1. Provide a platform for action with distinct channels to address key areas:
• We have done this on Discord as it provides the most cost-effective and secure way of achieving this.
• We have established cloud storage on Dropbox for shared assets to support individual women and businesses to shortcut the cost and time of creating them from scratch.
2. Provide open channels that EVERYONE OWNS to facilitate support across defence.
We are NOT gatekeeping any of this - this needs to be owned and exploited by everyone that joins in. Far too many initiatives are behind a wall of ‘someone else’ and we absolutely want the opposite of that.
3. Provide funding for individual women to achieve their goals in this space e. g.:
• We have provided funding for bus passes for young students to get to class.
• We have provided laptops for young women who just cannot afford the tech that will enable their work and studies.
• We have provided practical mentoring on an individual and group basis - from individual meetings to guest lecturing at universities. Let’s get out there more!
The future goal is to formalise the funding pot for women and girls to access without a massive and onerous application process - this is about action and getting things done, albeit with some checks and balances.